Putting It All Together
Putting the components together:
Data is stored in fixed length tables. The data definition is created with the table creation and stored with the data. Table columns can be added, changed or deleted.
The tables use data elements to connect to each other in relationships. Something like a part number could be used in a part description from the supplier and in an invoice table when the part is used by a customer.
The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) ensures the consistency of the data with the data definition. The RDBMS assumes the control of the management of the tables and subsequent storage, thereby freeing the user/programmer from the detailed requirement of manipulating files directly.
SQL is used to request add, delete, query, etc. from the RDBMS. This standardized interface allows quicker, more robust applications to be created.
Similar to other network servers, RDBMS servers listen for questions and commands and respond appropriately.
Although on the surface a basic RDBMS architecture seems easy, complex configurations, performance tuning scaling, and availability targets require an in-depth understanding of not only the business application, but also the internal intricacies of the RDBMS itself.
As an introduction to databases, we will install, create tables, add data and query a MariaDB database.