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Pro Training

Linux System Networking and Administration (LFS211)

Disusun oleh Btech

In this course, we will discuss networking concepts and connections, file transfer, name resolution, time coordination, web, remote connections, and email servers. We will also focus on networking administration topics like network security, package management and virtualization.

20 Modul
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Modul 1
Course Introduction
Course Learning Objectives
Lab 1.1 : Configuring the System for sudo
Course Support
The Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation Events
The Linux Foundation Training Offerings
The Linux Foundation Certifications
Training/Certification Firewall
Modul 2
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model
LAN, WAN, and VLAN Networks
Bridged Network
Domain Name System (DNS)
System Services
Lab 2.1. Verify vsftp and ftp Installation
Lab 2.2. Start a System Service Manually
Lab 2.3. Start a System Service with the SysVinit Script
Lab 2.4. Start a System Service with systemd
Lab 2.5. Enable a System Service Using the systemctl Command
Lab 2.6. Create and Customize a systemd Service
Modul 3
Layer 2: Configuration
Layer 2: Advanced Configuration
Layer 3: Configuration
Boot Time Network Configuration
Network Manager
openSUSE, CentOS and Ubuntu Configurations
netplan Administrator Interface
netplan Startup Events
What Is a VPN?
OpenVPN Software
Lab 3.1. Explore and Record the Existing Network Configuration
Lab 3.2. Create a boot-time Configuration of Your Network Interface
Lab 3.4. Restore the DHCP Configuration
Modul 4
Networking Troubleshooting
Client Troubleshooting
Server Troubleshooting
Network Monitoring
Lab 4.1. Create an Intermittent Network Issue and Prove What Is Broken
Lab 4.2. Prove a Service Is Listening Only on localhost
Lab 4.3. Block Traffic to a Service with TCP Wrappers and Prove It Is Blocked
Modul 5
Remote Shell (rsh)
Secure Shell
SSH Session Overview
OpenSSH Server
Per-User OpenSSH Configuration
OpenSSH Key-Based Authentication
OpenSSH Tunnel
Parallel SSH Command
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) Server
VNC Client
X Window System
Lab 5.1. Set Up SSH Key-Based Authentication
Lab 5.2. Make OpenSSH Client Configuration Changes
Lab 5.3. Secure Your OpenSSH Daemon
Lab 5.4. Launch a Remote X11 Application Locally
Lab 5.5. Parallel ssh Command Execution
Lab 5.6. Start and Test a VNC Server
Lab 5.7. Tunnel VNC over SSH
Lab 5.8. VNC Server Autostart
Modul 6
Before DNS
DNS Recap
Recursive DNS Query Recap
Query/Record Types
Forward and Reverse DNS Queries
DNS Server Daemons
BIND (named) Server
BIND Configuration File
BIND Configuration Options
BIND as a Caching Nameserver
BIND Zone Configuration
Zone Files
SOA Records
Split Horizon or DNS View
DNS Views
View Configuration Considerations
Lab 6.1: Configure Caching DNS
Lab 6.2: Create an Authoritative Forward Zone for the Domain
Lab 6.3: Create a Reverse DNS Zone
Modul 7
Main Configuration File
Configuration File Includes
Other Important Files
Log Configuration
Other Configuration Options
IP/Port Virtual Hosts
Name-Based Virtual Hosts
Name Vhosts and SSL
File Permissions
Safe CGI Scripting
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Install SSL Keys
Lab 7.1: Overview of Lab Environment
Lab 7.2: Install Apache and Test
Lab 7.3: Create a New IP Virtual Host
Lab 7.4: Create a Name-Based Virtual Host
Lab 7.5: Create a Password-Protected Subdirectory
Lab 7.6: Create and Test a Self-Signed SSL Certificate
Lab 7.7: Create a Certificate Signing Request
Modul 8
Rewriting URLs
Rewrite Map
Rewriting Examples
AliasMatch Considerations
Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs)
Configuring Prefork
Configuring Worker
Load Testing
Caching and Proxies
Speciality HTTP Servers
Web Server Balancer
Web Server Balancer Configuration
Lab 8.1. Create a New cgi Script-Enabled Directory
Solution 8.1. Create a New cgi Script-Enabled Directory
Lab 8.2. Create a Rewrite Rule for 'pretty' CGI Script URLs
Solution 8.2: Create a rewrite rule for “pretty” CGI script URIs
Lab 8.3. Enable mod_status
Solution 8.3. Enable mod_status
Lab 8.4. Enable 'includes' under the URI '/magic/index.html'
Solution 8.4. Enable 'includes' under the URI '/magic/index.html'
Modul 9
Email Overview
SMTP, POP3 and IMAP Protocols
Email Life Cycle
MTA, MDA, MUA and IMAP/POP Implementations
Postfix Configuration
Common Postfix Configuration
Security Considerations
Postfix Authentication
Postfix SASL
Postfix Security
Monitoring Postfix
Reducing SPAM
Email Aliases and Forwarding
Advanced Email Software
Lab 9.1. Enable the Postfix SMTP Server for External Access
Solution 9.1. Enable the Postfix SMTP Server for External Access
Lab 9.2. Enable Dovecot as IMAP Server
Solution 9.2. Enable Dovecot as IMAP Server
Lab 9.3. Enforce TLS/SSL for IMAP in Dovecot
Solution Enforce TLS/SSL for IMAP in Dovecot
Lab 9.4. Enable Relaying Using SMTP Authentication in Postfix
Solution Enable relaying using SMTP Auth in postfi
Lab 9.5. Enable StartTLS for Postfix, and Force Plain-Text Logins to Use StartTLS
Solution Enable StartTLS for Postfix, and Force Plain-Text Logins to Use StartTLS
Modul 10
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
scp and sftp
rsync over SSH
Lab 10.1. Use SCP to Copy a Folder from One Location to Another
Lab 10.2. Use rsync Over ssh to Add the *.bin Files Only to Previously Created Folder
Lab 10.4. Share a Folder Over the rsync Protocol
Modul 11
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
VLAN: Packet Attributes
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
DHCP Configuration
Network Time Protocol
NTP Applications
Configuring ntpd Client and ntpd Server
Lab 11.1. Create a VLAN Interface
Lab 11.2. Create a New Static Route
Lab 11.3. Configure and Enable a Stratum 3 NTP Server, and Connect It to the NTP Protocol as a Client
Modul 14
Security Concepts
Security Principles
Service Practices
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
Application Security
Security Awareness
Network Inspection
Application Access Control
Modul 15
TCP Wrappers
Netfilter Vocabulary
Filter, NAT and Mangle Tables
iptables Command
Match Criteria
Configuration Utilities
Distribution Defaults
Managing iptables
Forced Transparent Proxy
Network Address Translation
netfilter Hooks
nftables Configuration Structure
nft Administration Interfaces
nft File Locations
Lab 15.1. Exploring iptables Firewalls
Lab 15.2. Enable a Firewall Which Blocks All Unwanted Traffic
Modul 16
Linux Containers (LXC)
LXC Utilities
LXC Network Example
Networking Alternatives
Lab 16.1. Install and Test Web Server as an LXC Application
Lab 16.2. Duplicate an LXC Container
Modul 19
rsyslog Modules
Remote Logging: Client and Server

Informasi Kursus

Level Intermediate
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Harga Offline GRATIS
Harga Online GRATIS
Kategori Linux
Sertifikat Pencapaian
Penguasaan Komprehensif
Akses Premium Sepanjang Tahun
Materi Terkini & Relevan
Praktik Intensif
Investasi Cerdas untuk Karir Anda


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