After completing this section, you should be able to describe fundamental concepts of network addressing and routing for a server.
The TCP/IP network model is a simplified, four-layered set of abstractions that describes how different protocols interoperate in order for computers to send traffic from one machine to another over the Internet. It is specified by RFC 1122, Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers. The four layers are:
• Application
Each application has specifications for communication so that clients and servers may communicate across platforms. Common protocols include SSH (remote login), HTTPS (secure web), NFS or CIFS (file sharing), and SMTP (electronic mail delivery).
• Transport
Transport protocols are TCP and UDP. TCP is a reliable connection-oriented communication, while UDP is a connectionless datagram protocol. Application protocols use TCP or UDP ports. A list of well-known and registered ports can be found in the /etc/services file.
When a packet is sent on the network, the combination of the service port and IP address forms a socket. Each packet has a source socket and a destination socket. This information can be used when monitoring and filtering.
• Internet
The Internet, or network layer, carries data from the source host to the destination host. The IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are Internet layer protocols. Each host has an IP address and a prefix used to determine network addresses. Routers are used to connect networks.
• Link
The link, or media access, layer provides the connection to physical media. The most common types of networks are wired Ethernet (802.3) and wireless WLAN (802.11). Each physical device has a hardware address (MAC) which is used to identify the destination of packets on the local network segment.
Each network port on a system has a name, which you use to configure and identify it.
Older versions of RedHat Enterprise Linux used names like eth0, eth1, and eth2 for each network interface. The name eth0 was the first network port detected by the operating system, eth1 the second, and so on. However, as devices are added and removed, the mechanism detecting devices and naming them could change which interface gets which name. Furthermore, the PCIe standard does not guarantee the order in which PCIe devices will be detected on boot, which could change device naming unexpectedly due to variations during device or system startup.
Newer versions of RedHat EnterpriseLinux use a different naming system. Instead of being based on detection order, the names of network interfaces are assigned based on information from the firmware, the PCI bus topology, and type of network device.
Network interface names start with the type of interface:
• Ethernet interfaces begin with en
• WLAN interfaces begin with wl
• WWAN interfaces begin with ww
The rest of the interface name after the type will be based on information provided by the server's firmware or determined by the location of the device in the PCI topology.
• oN indicates that this is an on-board device and the server's firmware provided index number N for the device. So eno1 is on-board Ethernet device 1. Many servers will not provide this information.
• sN indicates that this device is in PCI hotplug slot N. So ens3 is an Ethernet card in PCI hotplug slot 3.
• pMsN indicates that this is a PCI device on bus M in slot N. So wlp4s0 is a WLAN card on PCI bus 4 in slot 0. If the card is a multi-function device (possible with an Ethernet card with multiple ports, or devices that have Ethernet plus some other functionality), you may see fN added to the device name. So enp0s1f0 is function 0 of the Ethernet card on bus 0 in slot 1. There might also be a second interface named enp0s1f1 that is function 1 of that same device.
IPv4 is the primary network protocol used on the Internet today. You should have at least a basic understanding of IPv4 networking in order to manage network communication for your servers.
IPv4 Addresses
An IPv4 address is a 32-bit number, normally expressed in decimal as four 8-bit octets ranging in value from 0 to 255, separated by dots. The address is divided into two parts: the network part and the host part. All hosts on the same subnet, which can talk to each other directly without a router, have the same network part; the network part identifies the subnet. No two hosts on the same subnet can have the same host part; the host part identifies a particular host on a subnet.
In the modern Internet, the size of an IPv4 subnet is variable. To know which part of an IPv4 address is the network part and which is the host part, an administrator must know the netmask, which is assigned to the subnet. The netmask indicates how many bits of the IPv4 address belong to the subnet. The more bits available for the host part, the more hosts can be on the subnet.
The lowest possible address on a subnet (host part is all zeros in binary) is sometimes called the network address. The highest possible address on a subnet (host part is all ones in binary) is used for broadcast messages in IPv4, and is called the broadcast address.
Network masks are expressed in two forms. The older syntax for a netmask uses 24 bits for the network part and reads A newer syntax, called CIDR notation, specifies a network prefix of /24. Both forms convey the same information; namely, how many leading bits in the IP address contribute to its network address.
The following examples illustrate how the IP address, prefix (netmask), network part, and host part are related.
The special address always points to the local system (localhost), and the network belongs to the local system, so that it can talk to itself using network protocols.
IPV4 Routing
Whether using IPv4 or IPv6, network traffic needs to move from host to host and network to network. Each host has a routing table, which tells it how to route traffic for particular networks. A routing table entry lists a destination network, which interface to use when sending traffic, and the IP address of any intermediate router required to relay a message to its final destination. The routing table entry matching the destination of the network traffic is used to route it. If two entries match, the one with the longest prefix is used.
If the network traffic does not match a more specific route, the routing table usually has an entry for a default route to the entire IPv4 Internet: This default route points to a router on a reachable subnet (that is, on a subnet that has a more specific route in the host's routing table).
If a router receives traffic that is not addressed to it, instead of ignoring it like a normal host, it forwards the traffic based on its own routing table. This may send the traffic directly to the destination host (if the router happens to be on the destination's subnet), or it may be forwarded on to another router. This process of forwarding continues until the traffic reaches its final destination.
In this example, traffic headed for the IP address from this host is transmitted directly to that destination via the wlo1 wireless interface, because it matches the route most closely. Traffic for the IP address is transmitted directly to that destination via the enp3s0 Ethernet interface, because it matches the route most closely.
Traffic to the IP address is transmitted out the enp3s0 Ethernet interface to a router at, which forwards that traffic on to its final destination. That traffic matches the route most closely, as there is not a more specific route in the routing table of this host. The router uses its own routing table to determine where to forward that traffic to next.
IPv4 Address and Route Configuration
A server can automatically configure its IPv4 network settings at boot time from a DHCP server. A local client daemon queries the link for a server and network settings, and obtains a lease to use those settings for a specific length of time. If the client does not request a renewal of the lease periodically, it might lose its network configuration settings.
As an alternative, you can configure a server to use a static network configuration. In this case, network settings are read from local configuration files. You must get the correct settings from your network administrator and update them manually as needed to avoid conflicts with other servers.
Host Names and IP Addresses
It would be inconvenient if you always had to use IP addresses to contact your servers. Humans generally would prefer to work with names than long and hard-to-remember strings of numbers. And so Linux has a number of mechanisms to map a host name to an IP address, collectively called name resolution.
One way is to set a static entry for each name in the /etc/hosts file on each system. This requires you to manually update each server's copy of the file.
For most hosts, you can look up the address for a host name (or a host name from an address) from a network service called the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS is a distributed network of servers providing mappings of host names to IP addresses. In order for name service to work, a host needs to be pointed at a nameserver. This nameserver does not need to be on the same subnet; it just needs to be reachable by the host. This is typically configured through DHCP or a static setting in a file called /etc/resolv.conf. Later sections of this chapter will discuss how to configure name resolution.