courses kubernetes administrator
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Pro Training

OKD Administration

Disusun oleh Btech

This course provides knowledge on how to configure, troubleshoot, and manage the OKD Platform.

This hands-on, lab based course shows participants how to review the installation of a cluster, configure it, and manage it on a day-to-day basis and troubleshoot the deployment of containerized applications.

12 Modul
ornament kursus adinusa



Modul 1
Container Orchestration
Standardization through Containerization
OKD Overview
OKD Features
OKD Life Cycle
Architecture Components
OKD Machine Roles
OKD Operators
Modul 2
Available Platforms
Installation Overview
The Installation Process of Both Types of OKD Clusters
The Installation Process Details
Machines Requirements
Network Requirements
Minimum Resource Requirements
About FCOS
About Ignition
Network Topology Requirements
DNS Requirements
Lab 2.1 - Install OKD Cluster - Setup DNS Server
Lab 2.2 - Install OKD Cluster - Setup DHCP Server
Lab 2.3 - Install OKD Cluster - Install TFTP Server
Lab 2.4 - Install OKD Cluster - Setup Matchbox
Lab 2.5 - Install OKD Cluster - Configure NTP Server
Lab 2.6 - Install OKD Cluster - Configure HAProxy and Rsyslog
Lab 2.7 - Install OKD Cluster - Provisioning OKD Cluster
Modul 3
Podman Overview
Podman Architecture
The Key Features of Podman
Verifying the Health of OKD Nodes
Reviewing the Cluster Version Resource
Reviewing Cluster Operators
Displaying the Logs of OKD Nodes
Lab 3.1 - Podman Overview
Lab 3.2 - Manage Images using Podman
Lab 3.3 - Manage Containers using Podman
Lab 3.4 - Review OKD Cluster using OC Command
Lab 3.5 - Project Management
Modul 4
Ephemeral Storage
Types of Ephemeral Storage
Persistent Storage Overview
Lifecycle of a Volume and Claim
Types of PVs
Access Modes
Volume Phase and Mount Options
Lab 4.1 - Setup NFS Server
Lab 4.2 - Setup Persistent Storage
Lab 4.3 - Setup Image Registry Persistent Storage
Modul 5
Users and Groups
Authenticating API Requests
The Authentication Operator
Identity Providers
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
Default Roles
User Types
Secrets Overview
Features and Types of Secrets
Use Cases for Secrets
Security Context Constraints (SCCs)
Lab 5.1 - Configuring HTPasswd Identity Provider
Lab 5.2 - Create Users from the Secret
Lab 5.3 - Update User Password from the Secret
Lab 5.4 - Delete User from the Secret
Lab 5.5 - Defining and Applying Permissions using RBAC
Lab 5.6 - Managing Sensitive Information With Secrets
Quiz 5.1 Create User
Modul 6
Introducing OpenShift Software-Defined Networking
Networking Model
Using Services for Accessing Pods
Defining Service Types
Discussing the DNS Operator and DNS Records for Services
The Cluster Network Operator
Network Modes
Comparing and Contrasting Network Modes
Multus Container Network Interface (CNI)
Accessing Application from External Networks
Methods for Managing Ingress Traffic
Route Options and Route Types
Insecure Routes
Securing Applications with Edge Routes
Securing Applications with Pass-through Routes
Lab 6.1 - Create a Route to Access the Frontend service
Lab 6.2 - Create a Secure Edge Route
Modul 7
Introducing the Machine API
Manually Scaling Worker Nodes
Automatically Scaling a Cluster
Implementing Automatic Scaling
Specifying Pod Replicas in Configuration Workloads
Manually Scaling the Number of Pod Replicas
Autoscaling Pods
Lab 7.1 - Manual Scaling the Loadtest Application
Lab 7.2 - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Modul 8
Introducing the Scheduler Algorithm
Scheduling and Topology
Labeling Nodes and MachineSets
Controlling Pod Placement
Configuring a Node Selector for a Project
Scaling the Number of Pod Replicas
Resource Requests and Limits for Pods
Applying Quotas
Applying Limit Ranges
Applying Quotas to Multiple Projects
Lab 8.1 - Labeling Nodes
Lab 8.2 - Limiting Resource Usage
Modul 9
Managing Image Overview
Image Tags
Image Tag Conventions
Using Image Streams
Adding Tags to Image Streams
Image Pull Policy
Using Image Pull Secrets
The Source-to-Image (S2I)
The Benefits of Source-to-Image (S2I)
How Source-to-Image Works
The Source-to-Image (S2I) Process
Lab 9.1 - Review the Images
Lab 9.2 - Managing Image Registry - Accessing to Image registry
Lab 9.3 - Managing Image Registry - Build an Image
Lab 9.4 - Managing Image Registry - Push Images to the Registry
Lab 9.5 - Create the Deployment using Image from the Registry
Lab 9.6 - Building an Application with The Source-to-Image (S2I)
Lab 9.7 - Manage images with The Source-to-Image (S2I)
Quiz 9.1 Build an application with S2I tool
Modul 10
Describing the Web Console
Accessing the OKD Web Console
Finding Resources
Creating Users and Groups
Creating a Project
Exploring Workload Resources
Managing Workloads
Deploying Applications
Installing and Using Operators
Viewing Cluster Metrics
Viewing Project Metrics
Viewing Resource Metrics
Performing Prometheus Queries in the Web Console
Lab 10.1 - Add a Tester User Entry to the Localusers Secret via Web Console
Lab 10.2 - Create and Configure a New Project Named console-apps via Web Console
Modul 11
Applications Overview
Creating Sample Applications
Creating Applications using the CLI
Modifying Applications
Helm Charts
Deployment and DeploymentConfig
Replication Controllers
Replica Sets
DeploymentConfig Objects
DeploymentConfig Object-Specific Features
Deployment-Specific Features
Choosing a Deployment Strategy
Route-Based Deployment Strategies
Lab 11.1 Creating Sample applications
Lab 11.2 Importing a codebase from Git to create an application
Lab 11.3 Build and deploy a WordPress app
Modul 12
The Monitoring Stack
Default Monitoring Components
Default Monitoring Targets
Understanding Metrics
Alerts and AlertManager
Describing Prometheus Query Language
Introducing Grafana
Lab 12.1 - Review Detail of the Monitoring Resources
Lab 12.2 - Monitoring Cluster Resouces
Lab 12.3 - Alerting and Metrics
Lab 12.4 - Grafana and Prometheus

Informasi Kursus

Level Intermediate
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Harga Offline GRATIS
Harga Online GRATIS
Kategori Openshift PaaS cloud devops docker orchestration
Sertifikat Pencapaian
Penguasaan Komprehensif
Akses Premium Sepanjang Tahun
Materi Terkini & Relevan
Praktik Intensif
Investasi Cerdas untuk Karir Anda


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