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Pro Training

Jenkins Administration

Disusun oleh Irfan btech btech irfan

Students will walk away with a solid understanding of how to administer the Jenkins and how to implement a continuous delivery (CD) environment by leveraging the Jenkins.

14 Modul
ornament kursus adinusa



Modul 1
Old Ways of Software Development
Agile Development Process
Agile Development Process Work?
Modern Development Philosophies
DevOps Culture
Git Overview
Git Basic Command
Lab 1.1 - Managing Repository Using Git
Modul 2
Jenkins Overview
Jenkins Short History
Why Jenkins is popular
Jenkins Releases
Installing Jenkins
Topology and Lab Environment
lab 2.1 - Installing Jenkins On Linux
Modul 3
Manage Jenkins Screens
The Jenkins Home Directory
Jenkins Workflow
Using Credentials
Configuring Credentials
Lab 3.1 - Create Users
Lab 3.2 - Manage Roles
Lab 3.3 - Manage Folders
Modul 4
Jenkins Plugins
Installing a Plugin
Manage Plugins Page
Lab 4.1 - Install Maven Plugin
Lab 4.2 - Install Blue Ocean Plugin
Lab 4.3 - Install Docker Pipeline Plugin Manually
Lab 4.4 - Update Docker Pipeline Plugin
Modul 5
Distributed Builds
Security Matrix
Jenkins Monitoring
Backup & Restore
Lab 5.1 - Distributed Jenkins Builds
Lab 5.2 - Monitoring Jenkins
Lab 5.3 - Backup Jenkins
Lab 5.4 - Managing Jenkins Disk Usage
Modul 6
Source Code Management (SCM)
A History of SCM
Advanced SCM
Modifying the Code
SCM Repository
Updating the Repository
SCM Terminology
Branch and Merge Strategies
Release Branching
Supported SCM Products
View The Changelogs
Incremental & Clean Check Out
Modul 7
What is Job?
Different Types of Jobs
Relationship Between Project
What is a Builds?
Builds Notifications
A Periodic Build Trigger
How Does Pushing Work
Lab 7.1 - First Job in Jenkins
Lab 7.2 - Scheduling a Job
Lab 7.3 - Maven Job
Lab 7.4 - Jenkins Email Notification
Lab 7.5 - Monitoring Jenkins Job
Modul 8
Software Testing
Importance of Testing
Automated Testing
Categories of Testing
The Testing Portfolio
The Testing Pyramid
Code Coverage Metrics
Code Coverage Tools
Lab 8.1 - Testing Code Quality With JUnit
Lab 8.2 - Code Coverage using JaCoCo
Modul 9
Build Parameter
Type Of Parameters
The Ways of Using Parameterized Builds
Configuring Parameterized Builds
Lab 9.1 - Parameterized Jobs
Lab 9.2 - Build Triggers and Steps
Modul 10
Scope of Pipeline
The Advantages of Pipeline
Jenkins Pipeline Sections
Scripted Pipeline
Declarative Pipeline
Tools for Working with Pipeline
Parallel Stages
Pipeline without Blue Ocean
Lab 10.1 - Go Jenkins Pipeline
Lab 10.2 - Docker Declarative Pipeline on Spesific Node
Lab 10.3 - Create a Simple Scripted Pipeline
Modul 11
Automate Jenkins
Jenkins CLI
Lab 11.1 - Multibranch Pipeline
Lab 11.2 - Configuring Jenkins to Connect to Kubernetes cluster
Modul 12
Overview - Validated Merge
Validated Merge Model
Access Control
Post-build Push Failure
Server Setup
Modul 13
Pull Requests
Configuring a Github Hook
Lab 13.1 - Integrate GitHub Webhook with Jenkins
Lab 13.2 - GitHub Pull Request Builder
Modul 14
The Jenkins Template Engine
Benefits of the Templating Engine
Implementing the Template
Lab 14.1 - Templating Engine Basic
Lab 14.2 - Templating Engine using SCM

Informasi Kursus

Level Intermediate
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Harga Offline Rp 30.000


Kategori CICD cloud devops git
Sertifikat Pencapaian
Penguasaan Komprehensif
Akses Premium Sepanjang Tahun
Materi Terkini & Relevan
Praktik Intensif
Investasi Cerdas untuk Karir Anda


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