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Pro Training

IaaS Cloud Administration

Disusun oleh Btech

IaaS Cloud Administration is designed for storage administrators or cloud operators who intend to deploy Ceph Storage to their OpenStack environment. This course also covers integration with Glance and Cinder in OpenStack and configuring Ceph Storage.

16 Modul
ornament kursus adinusa


Saran kelas yang harus diselesaikan


Modul 1
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing vs On Premise
Cloud model (Saas, Paas, Iaas)
Cloud Workloads vs Traditional Workloads
Cloud Types
Modul 2
What is Openstack?
Openstack Service Diagram
Openstack Release Version
Modul 3
Core Service Interaction Layout
Modul 4
Openstack Deployment Tool
Introduction Kolla Ansible
Openstack Cluster Topology
Lab 4.1 : How to Access Your Nodes
Lab 4.2 : Mapping Node Hostname
Lab 4.3 : Create and Distribute SSH Keygen
Lab 4.4 : Install Kolla Ansible
Modul 5
Challenges Faced by Data Storage
Software-Defined Storage
The History of The Ceph Project
Upstream Release Cadence
Red Hat Ceph Storage Technological Foundations
Red Hat Ceph Storage Technological Innovations
Introducing Cephadm
Lab 5.1 : Deploying Ceph Using cephadm
Lab 5.2 : Ceph Verification
Modul 6
The Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture
Ceph's Storage Back End Components
Ceph Access Methods
Data Distribution and Organization In Ceph
Lab 6.1 : Managing Pool
Lab 6.2 : Ceph Block Storage
Lab 6.3 : Ceph Snapshot and Clone
Lab 6.4 : Ceph Object Storage
Lab 6.5 : Ceph Dashboard
Lab 6.6 : Setup Ceph Config File
Modul 7
External Ceph
How Ceph and OpenStack work together
Lab 7.1 : Creating Pool for Openstack Storage
Lab 7.2 : Distribute Ceph Configuration to All Controller Nodes
Lab 7.3 : Setup Keyring Openstack
Lab 7.4 : Add Keyring
Lab 7.5 : Setup ceph.conf File to Integrate with Openstack
Lab 7.6 : Tuning Glance, Cinder, Nova
Lab 7.7 : Deploy Openstack with Kolla-Ansible
Modul 8
Lab 8.1 : Creating Cirros Image
Lab 8.2 : Creating External Network
Lab 8.3 : Creating Internal Network
Lab 8.4 : Creating a Router
Lab 8.5 : Creating Security Group
Lab 8.6 : Creating Keypair
Lab 8.7 : Creating Flavor
Lab 8.8 : Launching an Instance
Lab 8.9 : Attach Floating IP to Instance
Quiz 8.1 Launching an Instance from CLI
Modul 9
Lab 9.1 : Log in to Openstack Dashboard
Lab 9.2 : Creating Cirros Image
Lab 9.3 : Creating Internal Network
Lab 9.4 : Creating a Router
Lab 9.5 : Creating Security Group
Lab 9.6 : Creating Keypair
Lab 9.7 : Creating Flavor
Lab 9.8 : Launching an Instance
Lab 9.9 : Attach Floating IP to Instance
Lab 9.10 : Access Your Instance using vnc
Modul 10
Openstack Identity Fundamental
Lab 10.1 : Managing Project
Lab 10.2 : Managing User
Lab 10.3 : Assigning User Roles
Lab 10.4 : Managing Quota
Modul 11
Lab 11.1: Create a Volume
Lab 11.2: Attach Volume to an Instance
Lab 11.3 Create a Volume with Volume Source Image
Lab 11.4 Launch Instance from Volume
Modul 12
Lab 12.1 : Integrating Ceph RGW and Openstack Object Storage
Lab 12.2 : Managing Object Storage
Modul 13
Lab 13.1 : Adding New Compute
Modul 14
Lab 14.1 : Add New OSD
Modul 15
Lab 15.1 : Take Out and Remove OSD
Modul 16
Quiz 16.1 Lab Review

Informasi Kursus


Nilai minimal lulus kursus

Level Intermediate
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Harga Offline GRATIS
Harga Online GRATIS
Kategori OS-CPH
Sertifikat Pencapaian
Penguasaan Komprehensif
Akses Premium Sepanjang Tahun
Materi Terkini & Relevan
Praktik Intensif
Investasi Cerdas untuk Karir Anda


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