courses kubernetes administrator
reviews kursus adinusa


Pro Training

Google Cloud Associate

Disusun oleh Btech

This course provides an overview of Google Cloud Platform products and services. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn the value of Google Cloud Platform and how to incorporate cloud-based solutions into business strategies.

Introduces participants to the comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by Google Cloud Platform, with a focus on Compute Engine. Participants will explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems, and application services.

This course also covers deploying practical solutions including securely interconnecting networks, customer-supplied encryption keys, security and access management, quotas and billing, and resource monitoring.

8 Modul
ornament kursus adinusa



Modul 1
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 01 - Core Infrastructure
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 02 - Core Infrastructure
Modul 2
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 03 - Compute Engine
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 04 - Compute Engine
Modul 3
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 05 - Google Kubernetes Engine
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 06 - Google Kubernetes Engine
Modul 4
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 07 - Manage Cloud Resources
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 08 - Manage Cloud Resources
Modul 5
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 09 - Automating with Terraform
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 10 - Automating with Terraform
Modul 6
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 11 - Monitoring and Logging
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 12 - Monitoring and Logging
Modul 7
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 13 - Configuring Access and Security
Google Cloud Associate Quiz 14 - Configuring Access and Security
Modul 8
Google Cloud Associate Internal Exam

Informasi Kursus


Nilai minimal lulus kursus

Level Intermediate
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Harga Offline GRATIS
Harga Online GRATIS
Kategori Container DevOps Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes
Sertifikat Pencapaian
Penguasaan Komprehensif
Akses Premium Sepanjang Tahun
Materi Terkini & Relevan
Praktik Intensif
Investasi Cerdas untuk Karir Anda


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Kegiatan ADINUSA Pro dapat dilakukan secara offline atau online dan tempatnya menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kustomer.

Jumlah peserta untuk melaksanakan pelatihan minimal 4 orang.

Materi yang tersedia dapat dilihat pada katalog ADINUSA Pro di link berikut.

Silakan berkonsultasi dengan tim sales kami di atau +62-811-1123-242.

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