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Pro Training

Docker for Development and Operations

Disusun oleh Btech

The Docker for Development and Operations training course features the foundational concepts and practices of containerization on a single Docker node. The course offers learners the opportunity to assimilate basic container and how to manage and scale Docker.

12 Modul
ornament kursus adinusa



Modul 1
What Are Container?
Why are containers important?
Host, Virtual Machine and Container
Orientation To The Lab Environtment
Lab 1.1 Preparation of Lab Environment
Modul 2
Docker products
Docker Release Cycle
Lab 2.1 : Installing Docker
Lab 2.2 : Docker Run - Part 1
Lab 2.3 : Docker Run - Part 2
Lab 2.4 : Docker Run - Part 3
Modul 4
Docker images
Docker Registry
Manipulating Container Images
Building Custom Container Images with Dockerfile
Reviewing the Dockerfile in Depth
Lab 4.1: Exploring Dockerfile - Part 1
Lab 4.2: Exploring Dockerfile - Part 2
Modul 5
Introducing Docker Compose
Running a multi-service app
Building images with Docker Compose
Running an application with Docker Compose
Scaling a service
Lab 6.1: Install Docker Compose
Lab 6.2: Compose & NFS server
Lab 6.3: Compose & Wordpress
Lab 6.4: Compose &
Modul 6
CI Using Docker
Docker Hub Automated Build
Lab 7.1: Automated Build
Modul 7
Logging and Error Handling
Lab 8.1: Log Check
Modul 8
Logging Driver
Lab 9.1: Configuring Logging Driver
Modul 9
Health Check
Lab 10.1: Health Check
Modul 10
Docker Security
CIS Docker Benchmark
Secure Computing Mode
Modul 11
Docker Storage Drivers
Lab 12.1: Configuring Storage Driver
Modul 12
Introducing Portainer

Informasi Kursus

Level Beginner
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Harga Offline GRATIS
Harga Online GRATIS
Kategori cloud devops docker
Sertifikat Pencapaian
Penguasaan Komprehensif
Akses Premium Sepanjang Tahun
Materi Terkini & Relevan
Praktik Intensif
Investasi Cerdas untuk Karir Anda


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