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0 (0 Reviews)


  • Beginner
  • 1 Modul
  • 0 Siswa

sidar test

admin academy
Oleh Admin Academy

0 (0 Reviews)

Linux System Administration

  • Intermediate
  • 20 Modul
  • 2 Siswa

You’ll learn how to administer, configure and upgrade Linux systems running one of the three major Linux distribution families (Red Hat, SUSE, Debian/Ubuntu). You’ll also learn all the tools and concepts you need to efficiently build and manage a production Linux infrastructure.

Admin Developer Edit
Oleh Admin Developer Edit
Rp 0 Rp 599.000

0 (0 Reviews)

Cek Navbar

  • Advanced
  • 2 Modul
  • 3 Siswa

Describe daemon processes. Understand how new processes are forked (created). Use nice and renice to set and modify priorities. Understand how shared and static libraries are used.

Admin Developer Edit
Oleh Admin Developer Edit

0 (0 Reviews)

Tes Order History

  • Intermediate
  • 2 Modul
  • 1 Siswa

Since a process cannot send a signal directly to another process, it must ask the kernel to send the signal. Users (including the superuser) can send signals to other processes (programs) by using kill.

Admin Developer Edit
Oleh Admin Developer Edit
Rp 6.000 Rp 12.000

0 (0 Reviews)

Cert Number community tanpa produk

  • Beginner
  • 1 Modul
  • 1 Siswa

Cert Number community tanpa produk Cert Number community tanpa produk Cert Number community tanpa produk Cert Number community tanpa produk Cert Number community tanpa produk Cert Number community tanpa produk Cert Number community tanpa produk

Devi Ajja
Oleh Devi Ajja

0 (0 Reviews)


  • Beginner
  • 0 Modul
  • 0 Siswa

test judul

Oleh Ikhsan